Vector Pack 12 Released!

After a few months worth of hard work and hand illustration, we’ve finally released Vector Pack 12. This set is cool because we are introducing color! Imagine that! So for those of you who dig stock vector art, keep reading.…

Crazy Idea? Go Media Offers Design Help via Twitter

Go Media is trying something new here. We’re using our official twitter account to offer design help and customer service. Crazy? Maybe. Basically, designers like you can ask a question and we’ll try to answer it. It’s like having a…

User Showcase Contest: Results!

Mmmmmm, smell that? Not only is it Friday (awesome), but two lucky designers are giving off the sweet smell of victory. A week and almost 800 votes after opening our first User Showcase Contest, we have a couple of winners!…

Go Media HQ Construction Update

Hidilly-ho Go Media Army! I’m here to give you all a quick update on the progress of our new Headquarters. I’ll absatively posilutely not bore you with too many words – just lots of pics, Okily-dokily? It’s been a while…

User Showcase Contest: $100 & more in Prizes

Sorry, this contest is closed. Winners have been chosen and babies born. Check out who won in our results post. Many talented artists have submitted their work to the Go Media User Showcase, which as of now has 970 entries.…

Zine Features You May Have Missed

It’s late at night and I saw we hadn’t posted today. So I wanted to point out a couple things on our site that you may not be familiar with. I don’t really mention them much, but take a look…

Concentric Downpour wins Shirt of the Month

It’s been a few weeks now, but I’m extremely happy to say that my first DBH Submission, Concentric Downpour, has won shirt of the month for June on Design by Humans! A big thanks to everyone that voted, left a…

An Arsenal First!

If you’ve hopped over to the Go Media Arsenal lately you might have noticed quite a few recent updates. In the last two weeks we’ve released a new motion pack and two new fonts. I’m pretty excited that the new…

Go Media User Link Feed

Hey folks! This is the Go Media User Link Feed. Everyone is allowed to submit a link and give a short description. It will show up in the sidebar on every page on the GOMEDIAZINE. However, all links submitted must…

New Design is up! Feedback wanted!

We’re really happy to announce a brand new site design to the Go Mediazine. Or should I officially say GOMEDIAZINE – all one word. Or you could spell it GOMEDIAzine or something like that. But anyway, we’re still tweaking some…

Go Media Office Construction Update

Hey true believers, I wanted to give everyone a quick update on the status of Go Media’s new headquarters. Well, they say construction takes twice as long and costs twice as much as you estimate. This is absolutely wrong. In…

A Day In the Life of a Go Media Employee

By the time my phone tells me it’s 9:50am, I’m muttering obscenities into my glass as I take one last swig of OJ, say goodbye to my wrestling kittens, then fly out the door to my Subaru. Luckily I’m able…

Computer Arts Projects: Typography Feature for Jeff Finley

In addition to the feature in Advanced Photoshop this month, I was blessed with a feature in Computer Arts Projects. Issue #111 Typography to be exact. They highlighted some of my 3D typography and ornate lettering techniques. Here are some…

Go Media featured in Advanced Photoshop Magazine

We were lucky enough to be featured in the new issue (Issues 45) of Advanced Photoshop Magazine. They were pretty generous, giving us a two page spread as well as covering the Arsenal in later pages. I can’t thank them…

I Am Liz Hunt — Designers, Unite!

When Jeff Finley first approached me to work as an information designer for Go Media, my inner monologue went something like this: “Go Media? Who are THESE guys? What’s this ‘Arsenal: Professional Design Weaponry’ stuff? Vector Packs? Skulls and Heraldry…

“Concentric Downpour” Printed on DBH

Another Design by Humans winner for Go Media. I tweaked one of the pieces from the Concentric Series to work as a shirt design and it won shirt of the day. They did a great job with printing, and making…

Watercolors in Use: Alex Cherry

So to go along with the release of Watercolor Texture Set 2 at the Go Media Arsenal we’re highlighting Alex Cherry and his subtle use of the textures in some solid pieces. “Black Cloud” shows just how versatile these textures…

“Bold is Beautiful” shirt finally printed!

I’m happy to finally be able to tell everyone that this shirt has been printed and is for sale! It couldn’t have come at a better time (on my 26th birthday!). I take my hat off to the people at…

Vector Pack 11 Out Now!

We’ve been hard at work at Vector Pack 11 and have finally released it to the public today! The set includes Hand-Drawn Skulls, Doodles, Birds 2, Suits, International Skylines, Trees 2, and Type Explosions. Check it out!

Dave portfolio update

Dave, one of the designers at Go Media, updated his personal portfolio. It looks really really good, go check it out:

Vietnam Werewolf shirt printed huge

Pat from Shout Out Loud Prints sent me over the first print of the Vietnam Werewolf shirt I designed. It looks great. He was able to print it huge like that. I’ll post more photos and give you all a…

Project Managment: Go Media Style

Funkrush Shirt printed and up for sale

Remember the Funkrush Tee that I designed a while back? Maybe a year ago? Well, they finally printed it and you can now purchase it from the Funkrush Store. The shirts ship from the UK.

Launch of Cambria Suites Site

Go Media is pleased to present the new website for Cambria Suites. This is not your traditional hotel website with information laid out in a straightforward manner. With the unusual videos taking place in each room, you can see that…