Zine Features You May Have Missed

It’s late at night and I saw we hadn’t posted today. So I wanted to point out a couple things on our site that you may not be familiar with. I don’t really mention them much, but take a look down our sidebar for a minute.

  • Top commentors of the past 30 days. As of this posting Geoff May, ChequeredManiac, and Tiffany have the most comments on this site. Edit: Don’t forget Grant at 4th place!
  • User Link Feed that allows all our readers to post links to their own articles.
  • We have a Twitter box for those of you that Twitter.
  • And also a new Muxtape box to broadcast some of our designer’s favorite music. We’ll be adding new playlists for Adam, Liz, and probably a few others here.

If you can think of anything else cool you’d like to see in our sidebar, let us know.