Interns Inc., Vol. 3

Internships are an awesome way to gain experience and to learn about being a designer in the real world. Most are mainly summer internships, but there are definitely internships that extend throughout the school year. Typically, students aren’t expected to…

Starting your own shirt line. PART I: Start – Up

Greetings friends, This is Steve Knerem and I’m a freelance illustrator from Cleveland, Ohio that specializes in hand drawn art used for apparel and editorial pieces.  You can view my work at When asked by Go Media to write some…

Interview: Illustrator Ray Frenden

This interview was initially published in the Go Media Forum but we decided it was relevant to all our GoMediaZine readers as well. Ray Frenden the Artist. I think it’s necessary to put this all in context with a brief…

Review: Phantasm CS plugin for Adobe Illustrator

Not many Adobe Illustrators are aware of the plug-in functionality of Adobe Illustrator. I don’t believe it’s promoted very well. There’s not a good one-stop shop to find plug-ins in one place, with reviews and user feedback. And it’s a shame,…

Iconic Poster Design Tutorial (with video)

Create a Glossy RSS Feed Icon using Photoshop

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a glossy TV style RSS feed icon using the basic Photoshop functions like, Layer Styles, Layer Masks and Filters. Take a look at the image we will be creating in this…

Roundup: Mac Utilities for Designers

A quick round up of some interesting new and updated Mac utilities of interest to creative types. Photoshop Automator Actions 5.0 (free/$19.95) A package of Actions that lets you control many of Photoshop’s most common functions from within Mac OS…