Vietnam Werewolf shirt printed huge

Pat from Shout Out Loud Prints sent me over the first print of the Vietnam Werewolf shirt I designed. It looks great. He was able to print it huge like that. I’ll post more photos and give you all a…

Painter X Inking and Brush Settings

Drawing Skulls with a Wacom Tablet

Draw a Skull with a Wacom Tablet from Go Media on Vimeo. This isn’t exactly a tutorial, but more of a quick “time lapse” demo of a simple illustration technique I use. In this video, I’m going to draw a…

How to print giant designs onto shirts

I thought this was pretty cool. For those of you who wonder how this kind of printing is done, here is a good example. Just get a machine like this! Demonstration video of the 12 color Workhorse Falcon E Duplex…

User Showcase Highlight: Round 11

As of this writing our Go Media User Showcase has 888 entries and 406 members. Here are a couple pieces that I thought put some of the items in Go Media’s Arsenal to good use. Specifically the Watercolor Textures! This…

Project Managment: Go Media Style

Funkrush Shirt printed and up for sale

Remember the Funkrush Tee that I designed a while back? Maybe a year ago? Well, they finally printed it and you can now purchase it from the Funkrush Store. The shirts ship from the UK.

Design a 6 Panel CD Package Tutorial

Free Vector Pack 10 Sampler

Free vector art! Everyone loves it. So to celebrate the release of Set 10 last month, I wanted to give you all a sampler of the set. It’s got 7 of my favorite pieces. The set includes Tattoos, Lightning, Blood…

The Dreaded Design Lull – 9 Ways to Get Out of a Slump

2 New Fonts to Help you Win at Life

We just released two new fonts. They are now available to purchase on Go Media’s Arsenal. These two new fonts are sure to help you attract any customer you want and ultimately win at life. Well, maybe only get you…

Velocity Control in After Effects

Velocity Control in After Effects Tutorial from Go Media on Vimeo This is a short, quick and easy tutorial showing how to use the graph editor to control the velocity of keyframes within after effects. I go over using the…

Launch of Cambria Suites Site

Go Media is pleased to present the new website for Cambria Suites. This is not your traditional hotel website with information laid out in a straightforward manner. With the unusual videos taking place in each room, you can see that…

User Showcase Highlight: Round 10

As of this writing our Go Media User Showcase has 734 entries and 358 members. Here are a couple pieces that I thought put some of the items in Go Media’s Arsenal to good use. This piece below has a…

Create a stunning undersea painting using Vector Packs

So Set 10 is out. It’s sort of sentimental because I remember when Set 1 was released and wondering to myself, “Wow, if people dig this and find some real usability out of it… we could keep cranking out sets……

What is a “Vector Pack?”

Ok, so it has come to my attention that some people who purchase stuff from Go Media’s Arsenal surprisingly have no idea what they’re buying. But they buy it anyway. Strange… Vector Packs are NOT software Some people call it…

Ink Bleeding Effect in After Effects (Like Gnarls)

Ink Bleeding Effect in After Effects (Like Gnarls)

Ink Bleeding Effect from Go Media on Vimeo. ANIMATING WITH INK EFFECTS (software required: Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects with Trapcode’s Particular) In this tutorial I’ll recreate a similar look from an older Gnarls Barkley video. The principles I’ll cover are…

WordPress Skinning

Something I enjoy doing and would like to be doing more of is creating custom WordPress themes. I wouldn’t consider myself an expert, but I have managed to create a few themes so far for a few people. The theme…

Shirts for Pyknic finally printed!

Just wanted to share that the clothing company Pyknic, who hired us to design some shirts a few months ago finally has them available to purchase. Young Hollywood (designed by myself) Pyknichands (designed by Dave Tevenal) Both of these shirts…

Essential Strategies to Inking Your Pencil Drawings

Inking your Pencil Drawings by William Beachy from Go Media on Vimeo. In this video I will show you some of the ways that I ink my pencil drawings. This is my first video tutorial, so I would appreciate any…

Workflow Tip: Illustrator to Fontlab

Workflow Tip: Illustrator to Fontlab

12 Sources of Inspiration for Creating Your Own Lettering or Typeface Designs

This is an article written by guest author Sean Hodge from AiBURN, a blog about design, creativity, inspiration, tutorials, and vector graphics. Introduction Lettering and Typeface design is a creative endeavor that requires constant sources of motivation, influence, and inspiration.…