Go Media’s Flickr Pool Showcase: November 2010

Hello there! Simon here, for another showcase of the amazing work posted in the Go Media Flickr pool. It’s so hard to select, as the level of submissions keeps getting more and more fantastic. If you’d like to see your…

Video Tutorial: The Making of Andrew Jackson Follow Up

Hey guys, It’s me, Jeff Finley, with a quick video message for everyone thinking about grabbing The Making of Andrew Jackson video tutorial. You know I still get emails asking about the process & techniques I use to achieve that…

Blank Canvas: Stock Photography

For this installment of Blank Canvas, Go Media Zine would like to get some reader feedback on stock photography. Do you use it? What’s your favorite site? Do you sell your own stock photography? For the most part, when stock…

Grab Wacom Illustration Video Tutorial, get Vinyl Record Mockup Templates Free

Yo everyone, hope your world has been spicy & happy. If you’ve spent any time around here, you probably know about Jeff’s Wacom Illustration Video Tutorial. In this two hour voyeuristic walk through, Jeff shares his process from concept to…

Starting Your Own Shirt Line — Part III: Business & Relationships

Hi Friends, Welcome to the third and final installment to Starting your own Shirt Line.  In this article I’ll be talking about elements of business and planning and the importance of developing relationships. Quick recap of past two articles.  In…

iPad Magazines: DOA?

Khoi Vinh, former design director of the New York Times website, has a recent post where he opines that the current crop of iPad magazines (and tablet-based magazines in general) “run counter to how people use tablets today and, unless…