Revelations of a Go Media Intern: The End

Here are some more of the things I’ve learned this summer at Cleveland Website Design firm, Go Media: 1. Design Fundamentals I am not officially educated in design, so many of my blunders can be fixed by adhering to basic…

Revelations of a Go Media Intern, Part 5

Time Saving Shortcuts Howdy. This is week five of my series, and here are three more tips. I hope you enjoy them! 1. Time saving keyboard shortcuts: Really, every shortcut I learn makes using illustrator much more natural, but here…

Revelations of a Go Media Intern, Part 4

Adobe Illustrator Shortcuts Hello again. These last couple of weeks I’ve been sharing some of the broad lessons I’ve learned this summer with Cleveland graphic designers, Go Media, such as learning from criticism, and realizing the importance of presentation. This week I’m…

Revelations of a Go Media Intern, Part 3

Heyyy. The lessons at Cleveland Design firm, Go Media are abundant, and here are a few more that have been kindly passed along to me by everyone here. 1.Be Proactive When working for a client or a friend, try very…

Revelations of a Go Media Intern, Part 2

Hello again! While I’ve learned a lot of practical and technical things at here in Cleveland with design firm Go Media, I’ve also learned some more general, but valuable lessons. In my first couple of posts I’d like to share…