Weapons of Mass Creation interview: Mark Weaver

Here’s the third installation of the Weapons of Mass Creation video interview series featuring designer & illustrator Mark Weaver. Not sure what this is all about? Read the kick-off article to get caught up! You’ll find both the video interview…

Screencast: Mocking up tees with ShirtMockup.com

Interview: Film Poster Art with Tyler Stout

GoMediaZine: So who are you and how would people know you? Tyler Stout: My name is Tyler Stout. And I would guess people know me by seeing my stuff somewhere, or personally meeting me at some point in my life.…

Go Media featured in Advanced Creation: Illustrator

Near the end of 2009 we were contacted by Stéphanie Guillaume & her team at the French outpost of Advanced Creation about re-releasing a couple tutorials from The GoMediaZine. We said “sure!”, and sure enough, the hefty 150 page special…

Weapons of Mass Creation Interview: Geoff May

User Showcase Highlight Round 14

Since the last User Showcase Highlight post the Go Media User Showcase Pool has ballooned from 1142 images to 4,672! Our members are up to a healthy 1181 and growing. After browsing through dozens of pages of great submissions, two…