
What’s Go Media Been Up To?
Hello from your friends at Go Media!
What’s Go Media been up to? Oh, just a little thing called Weapons of Mass Creation Fest…

Don’t get us wrong, we loved every second of dreaming, planning, living and breathing the best fest in the Midwest, but, wow have our lives have been changed and we could use a breather!
Drawn to Business
We are thrilled to announce the release of our own Bill Beachy’s book, Drawn to Business. This, a nuts and bolts strategy guide to building a thriving design firm, Drawn to Business gives you a no holds barred, transparent look at how Go Media and other top firms built their business from the ground up. Bill shares with all of us his failures and successes and gives detailed advice on areas such as pricing and billing, hiring, accounting and lawyers, business sytems, marketing, selling and customer retention, so that you too can build the design firm of your dreams. Buy the digital edition now!
The Little Building that Could
Our building is still undergoing some pretty dramatic renovations! The latest and greatest is that some huge gaping holes have turned into some beautiful windows.
Now let’s see…
What The Team Has Been Up To:
Aaron Roberts
- Finished the following projects: the 2013 NEOSA CIO Symposium program booklet, invitations & signage, Branding & Website for Ditka Dash
- Finishing up the following projects: Cantine Bar & Bottle Shop, Website, Branding & Website for Law Firm Ghost Writer
- Starting Website designs for OH! Manufacturing

Bryan Garvin
- Put out Episode 13, Episode 14, and Episode 15 of the podcast and prepped for our post-fest live recording on Wednesday, September 18th, 2013.
- Launched Corporate Narratives Group, Ditka Dash, NEOMFA, Midwest Box Company.
- Worked with Simon, Bill, and Jeff to build and launch Drawn to Business.
- Volunteered at WMC Fest.
Carly Utegg
- Lots of typography: Creating custom typography for Go Media Ad, creating custom logo type for brand Rich Wonder.
- Designing Website for Law Firm Ghost Writer
- Working on direct mail piece for COSE
- Getting the amazing Go Media bowling team assembled =)
Heather Sakai
- Served as volunteer coordinator for Weapons of Mass Creation Fest
- Blogged, managed Zine posts by my colleagues here at Go Media as well as some great guest contributors

- Prepped templates for this month’s Mockup Everything releases
- Updating Go Media Facebook, the Go Media Arsenal Facebook, Go Media Instagram, Go Media Google +, and the Go Media Twitter pages
Jeff Finley
- Working on the Drawn to Business Pro Package
- A Go Media Partner Retreat with Wilson and Bill
- Gathering photos, videos and articles from WMC Fest

Kim Finley
- Arsenal customer service
- Bookkeeping
- Payroll
- Proofreading GoMediaZine posts and email campaigns
- Counting up leftover WMC merch and updating inventory on merch site (limited quantities remain, order yours today!)
- Web hosting billing
Lauren Prebel
- Sandra has dug right into her new position and is mastering both Sales and the Project Management process
- Continuing to network and prospect for new leads!
- Starting to prepare for the COSE Small Business Convention in October

Sarah Traxler
- It’s been a fun change to pace to spend some time researching and writing for my upcoming Zine article.
- Volunteering all weekend at WMC Fest was an even more fun change of pace!
- On the project management front, the team and I have been knee deep in the following activities:
- New Project Planning for:
- OH!Manufacturing – Website Design
- Young Audiences – Website Design
- Cantine – Website Design
- Live on a Limb – Rebranding & T-Shirt Design
Ongoing Support for our active projects:
- COSE – CIO Symposium Print Design
- Law Firm Ghost Writer – Rebranding & Website Design
- Ditka Dash – Branding & Website Design
- Urban Pioneer Tea – Website Design
- FMC – Website Design
- Cuff & Veil – Website Design
Website Launches
Continually Improving!
- We’re working to implement ‘Lessons Learned’ meetings at the completion of our projects, so that we can better capture valuable insights and learn from what worked and what didn’t.
Simon Birky Hartmann
- I finally launched the second part to Steve Knerem’s rockabilly poster tutorial
- Heather and I worked hard at creating the Go Media Building Texture collection, that we released as a freebie for the best part of August. We got over two thousand downloads in a month! I’ve also created a couple of tutorials to demonstrate the textures’ potential (a written one, and my first video tutorial)
- I organized a contest to celebrate WMC Fest, along with the release of the 2013 WMC Fest bundle
- I spent some time working on various WMC Fest related tasks
- I thoroughly enjoyed my experience at the Fest!
- We crunched a lot of hours of frantic work to launch Bill’s Drawn to Business guide (I’ve helped in strategy, and for the cover design)
- And there were also the usual suspects: product preparation, email blast writing, customer support and feedback, etc.
- We’ve spent more frantic hours towards Bill’s guide launch, and it paid off: Drawn to Business is now available for purchase!
- I relaunched the first of our apparel mockup templates collections, with updated content
- I’ve launched Dustin Schmieding’s amazing film textures set
- And finally, Pete Maric’s Guide to 3d modeling and motion design for the graphic designer got also pushed live!
Wilson Revehl
- Gone fishing! Partner Retreat with Jeff and Bill…among my other Project Management, Account Services and System Administration work that keeps us on track and online.
William Beachy
- Launching my book, Drawn to Business.
- Partner retreat with Jeff and Wilson!
- Playing catch up now that my book is out. Working on Go Media Sell Sheets, etc.
- De-cluttering the office

That’s it for now from us at Go Media. Until we meet again:
- Grab Bill’s Book, Drawn to Business, a nuts and bolts strategy guide to building a thriving design firm!
- Don’t miss a minute of Go Media’s happenings! Subscribe to our GoMediaZine newsletter!
- Keep up with Go Media on:
We’d like to say “thank you” to Square Share studios for the photography provided for our header image!