
Cleveland Browns Logo Redesign 2015: Wilson Revehl of Go Media Weighs In
Cleveland Browns Logo Redesign 2015
Our recent post, “New” Browns Logo Leaves Cleveland Graphic Designers Deflated” collects expert advice from local authorities on the matter including our own Wilson Revehl, Go Media Vice President, web developer, brand expert and sports enthusiast.
Wilson’s full interview is included below. Enjoy and be sure to catch the full story, featuring fellow experts William Beachy, Chris Comella, Todd Radom, Aaron Sechrist and Julia Briggs here.
The new Cleveland Browns logo design has been harshly derided in some circles for being underwhelming or, as some have put it, “just oranger.” Do you think that kind of criticism is fair or unfair? If so, why?
I think it’s fair. They played it safe, probably too safe. It is indeed virtually the same mark. It’s the helmet. The changes of the helmet are so miniscule you really can’t discern much of a difference. No one was going to see this and be shocked or even form much of a new opinion because it’s hardly new. The changes are so subtle.
The team has stated the goals were to “honor tradition and provide a modern edge,” partially by incorporating a move from the traditional block lettering to a “cleaner, simpler, elegant” font and making the helmet “brighter and richer to match the passions of our fans.” Do you think those goals were accomplished?
The type face they went with is high impact. It is modern. You got to give them that. It’s not your classic, university block lettering that they had been using for so long that has been seen so often. The concern about the orange is kind of like them “catching up” with the fact that most of the apparel manufacturers never printed in their specific orange color pallet. Most apparel manufactures bumped it up to the very bright, classic orange that they’ve now officially adopted. It’s kind of like the fans were the cart and the old logo was the horse.
Had the team gone for a more adventurous approach, what kind of elements could/should the designers have incorporated?
A big change done right would have created big excitement. It would have been thrilling and viral in the sense of all football fans would have been talking about it and taken notice. This is the new Cleveland Browns, shedding the baggage of legacy problems we’ve had over 35 years and given us a fresh restart. When done right, it could have been absolutely thrilling.
Is there anything about the new logo that “works”? If so, explain.
I do like the new dog pound logo. Even though he’s supposed to look tough, it’s a little cuter than maybe I would have preferred. I think they could have gone with something a bit more fierce. This is the most violent sport in America. These guys are warriors, and I think the new dog could have been a lot tougher looking. It’s a little too cute for my taste. I think it could have been and should have been more badass.
Is there anything you would have done differently if you had tackled this project?
Rumors have it this was done in NY. If that’s true, it’s borderline shameful. Cleveland is a hot bed of phenomenal graphic design and branding talent. There was no reason for them to farm it out. You would have many people not only good but very passionate about a project like this.