
How to Create a Company Slogan
Your company slogan sends a message about who you are as a company and shapes how consumers see your brand. Think about some of the more famous slogans that immediately come to mind, such as McDonald’s “I’m lovin’ it” or Hallmark’s “When you care enough to send the very best.” They’re catchy, and they sum up the vision of the company in just a few words.
There are more than 30 million small businesses in America. No matter what industry you’re in, you likely have competitors. One way to stand out from other companies like yours is to come up with a strong company slogan that explains in a nutshell what you have to offer consumers. There are some key things to remember when you’re creating a slogan. Here are six of them.
1. Reflect the Product
Take the time to think about the product or service you sell. How can you describe it in the simplest terms possible? Try to think about what makes your product different from all the others like it out there. Now, add an action that the user takes when interacting with your product.
Skittles uses the slogan “Taste the Rainbow” throughout their advertising. Note in the screenshot above how they even use the slogan in a hashtag on Facebook. The slogan works because it sums up the product with its rainbow-colored candies and also describes the action the user takes — taste.
2. Brainstorm Ideas
Now that you have an idea of what makes a slogan work, brainstorm ideas. Talk to employees and even customers about how they view your business. Ask for one word that they think describes your business.
Once you have a collection of works, write each one in the middle of a large sheet of paper, and start attaching others words with a line and the new word in a circle. Continue until you run out of ideas. The goal is not to stop and think but to let your thoughts flow freely. Involve others in the brainstorming process. You’ll likely walk away with several good ideas that may turn into catchy slogans.
3. Play With Words
Think about what words play into what you do and who you are. If you sell beds, for example, think about famous sayings about sleep and rest. Can you use any of these phrases with the brainstorming ideas from the last step? The best play on words is one that’s unique but easily recognizable. It takes a lot of work to succeed with wordplay, so be patient, and ask others for feedback.
Reading Truck Body does a good job playing with the words of their slogan and coming up with something that describes what they do while keeping it interesting. Their slogan is “No Body Better.” Since they create custom truck bodies, the word “body” describes what they do. They also use the slogan to show their philosophy of being the best in their industry. It’s a play on words that has multiple levels.
4. Stay Succinct
The hallmark of a powerful slogan is that it’s succinct. Edit your slogan over and over until you get down to the lowest number of words possible. In the example above, Reading Truck Body uses only three words to get their message across. Skittles, which we looked at in our first point, uses only three words as well. Although you can expand beyond three words, the shorter you can keep your message, the more easily people will remember it.
You have less than three seconds to grab the user’s interest. Beyond that, they may bounce away to another site, never to return. Make those first few words and images count! Grab the user’s attention before they bounce away.
5. Know Your USP
Every product or service has a unique selling proposition (USP). Figure out what makes your company or product stand out from the crowd. What do you have to offer that no one else does? Now, you have to figure out how to summarize your USP and what your company does in as few words as possible. The easiest way to learn how to create a slogan that’s multi-functional is to study other slogans. Check out a few well-known examples:
- Subway — “Eat Fresh”
- Burger King — “Have It Your Way”
- John Lewis — “Never Knowingly Undersold”
Notice how each highlights the USP in some way.
M&Ms has gone to characters to help promote their products, but one of their most famous slogans is “Melts in your mouth, not in your hands.” The slogan has been used in various commercials and online campaigns for years. It describes the product and the USP perfectly.
6. Remain Honest
Customers need to know that you’re reliable. Don’t add details because they sound good in a slogan unless you can deliver on those promises. Don’t say you’re the cheapest in the area if you aren’t. Instead, focus on what you know you can deliver and deliver well. It’s better to underpromise and overdeliver than to overpromise and underdeliver.
Take Your Time
Don’t rush into a slogan that you’ll regret later. Take your time to go through the steps, brainstorm, get feedback and allow the slogan to develop over time. If all else fails, call in the help of a professional. If you’re on a budget, talk to your local university and see if a marketing student wants to work with you on coming up with a new slogan.