Freebie: Wallpaper of the Day from Chocotoy

Freebie Wallpaper Alert!

Hey Everyone.

You may or may not know that I am obsessed with all things super kawaii. (that’s a super cute way to say for super cute if you didn’t know).

So when I stumbled upon this heavenly project on Behance, I died a little inside.

From Chocotoy Collection Illustration / 4 | found on Behance

I mean…seriously?

From Chocotoy Collection Illustration / 4 | found on Behance

That was it, I decided. I needed to know the folks who created this deliciousness.

I shot an email out just to say “I love what you do” and within moments, an email reply popped into my inbox.

My new-found friends at Chocotoy kindly sent over some wallpapers for our enjoyment, asking nothing in return.

Pretty sweet if you asked me.

Click to download your Chocotoy Wallpaper (desktop, tablet & mobile versions)


Be kind and like our friends over at Chocotoy on Facebook | Instagram | Behance