
40+ Cool & Inspiring Poster Designs
Inspiring Poster Designs Selected by your friends at Go Media
Who doesn’t love poster art? Whether it’s for a band, a foreign locale, or a conference/event, a well designed poster can attract attention and much deserved praise from peers and laypersons alike. We peel them off the walls at concert venues, grab copies strewn around our favorite coffee shops, and even purchase them from our favorite designers and bands.
Our love of poster art is even evident in the popularity of GoMediaZine posts. Over a year ago, designer Tom Booth created the ebook, The Wall: Modern Day Music Posters and a post along with it called, “Modern Gigposter Design: 100 Stunning Examples” and to-date it is still one of our most popular posts. So we know that you will love the collection of some of the most inspiring posters we love. From vintage to modern, national to international, these posters showcase some of the best designs to inspire you!