
Check out Cellar Door Cleveland’s WMC Fest Disarmed Sessions
Happy New Year from your friends over at Weapons of Mass Creation Fest!
Planning for this year’s event is underway, though we are still basking in the glow of WMC 2013.
We wanted to make sure you popped over to check out the awesome work that our friends over at Cellar Door Cleveland have done. They have just released the latest in their Weapons of Mass Creation: Disarmed series. Disarmed gives viewers an intimate peek into the words and work of our 2013 performers.
Head over to Cellar Door Cleveland for Disarmed Sessions featuring Living Room and Cayetana. And don’t forget to check out the 2013 Speaker Videos, released here on the ‘Zine, as well.
Visit Living Room at their official website, keep up with them on Facebook, and follow them on Twitter.
Find the music of Cayetana on Facebook, follow them on Twitter, and visit them at their official website.
Watch past Disarmed sessions: Leah Lou & the 2 Left Shoes • The Sidekicks
Video by Window Frame Productions / Photos by Andrew Wells Photography
Thanks to Cellar Door Cleveland | Cellar Door on Twitter | Cellar Door on Facebook