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Steampunk Series: Machinery Vector Pack (Freebie Inside)

New Arsenal Product

We have a brand new vector pack on the Go Media Arsenal called Machinery. It contains 19 high-quality vector illustrations. They are fully editable and customizable and they are contained in one easy to download Adobe Illustrator file. The Machinery Vector Pack was created by designer and illustrator Steve Knerem. He is the mastermind behind past Arsenal releases in the steampunk vector series: Gears, Pipes and Vents & Whistles. And keep reading below to download a freebie from the pack.

What Is Steampunk?

Steampunk is a genre that originated during the 1980s and early 1990s and incorporates elements of science fiction, fantasy, alternate history, horror, and speculative fiction. It involves a setting where steam power is widely used—whether in an alternative history such as Victorian era Britain or “Wild West”-era United States, or in a post-apocalyptic time —that incorporates elements of either science fiction or fantasy. Works of steampunk often feature anachronistic technology, or futuristic innovations as Victorians might have envisioned them, based on a Victorian perspective on fashion, culture, architectural style, and art. This technology includes such fictional machines as those found in the works of H. G. Wells and Jules Verne, or the contemporary authors Philip Pullman, Scott Westerfeld, and China Mieville. Steampunk also refers to art, fashion, and design that are informed by the aesthetics of steampunk literature.

A little bio from Steve’s website:

Who Is Steve Knerem?

I’m simply passionate about becoming the best illustrator I can be. I believe I am born for this purpose and plan to leave the biggest mark in history I can before my days of being immortal are over. My training officially began once I graduated from The Cleveland Institute of Art in 2004 with a focus in Illustration. Since that day I haven’t stopped learning and pushing and gaining ground.
I always say to myself and in blogs that I write or talks that I give, that we all have to find our own path. I believe this is true. I hope to always produce something you have never seen before and provide the best solution possible for every need presented before me.

Machinery Vector Pack Launch Banner

Check out the images below for what you will find in the pack and click on any image to access the Machinery Vector Pack

Machinery Vector Pack

Machinery Vector PackMachinery Vector PackMachinery Vector PackMachinery Vector PackMachinery Vector PackMachinery Vector PackMachinery Vector PackMachinery Vector PackMachinery Vector Pack

Love Freebies

Do you love freebies? Of course you do! So why not download a FREE vector sample from the Machinery Vector Pack by clicking below.


Want More?

Want to see more images of the Machinery Vector Pack? Then check out the Go Media Arsenal page and the Go Media Arsenal Facebook page.

Have questions or concerns regarding the Arsenal, email or contact Arsenal Product Manager, Liz Hunt at

Oh, and before I forget, if you haven’t already, register for a FREE Arsenal account here.