
Watch This Speed Drawing of the WMC7 Tee by Jetpacks and Rollerskates, Grin from Ear to Ear.
You guys are going to completely lose your minds over this year’s Weapons of Mass Creation Fest graphic art tee, created by the one and only Blake Stevenson – aka Jetpacks and Rollerskates.
If you’re a WMC Fest alum, you know Blake.

You’ve seen him kill it during Ink Wars, you’ve purchased his poster, you’ve sat down and had a genuine conversation with him – because he’s one gem of a dude.
This year, not only has Blake created this jaw-dropping t-shirt for us, but he’s sharing his process, too. Double happiness, guys!
Check it out below and wait with bated breath for his t-shirt coming to our store very soon! Until then, grab up all the (sorta) vintage WMC tees, because we’re having a mega-sale right now.
Now, let’s watch Blake work his magic:
Blake on Instagram | Twitter | Dribbble | Official Site
Music thanks to Cleveland’s own Signals Midwest | Song – Monarchs