
Hand Lettering Tutorial Release: How to Letter with Jason Carne
Hand Lettering Tutorial: How to Letter with Jason Carne
Hey there Go Media Faithful! Love lettering like we do? You’re in luck. Today on the Arsenal, we’re releasing the hand lettering tutorial you’ve been waiting for!
Today, we’re expanding our knowledge base thanks to one of the best: hand letterer extraordinaire Jason Carne.
Jason’s no joke; he has worked with international musicians and touring artists such as Def Leppard, Protest The Hero, and Boyce Avenue as well as global apparel corporations like American Eagle Outfitters.
And now, with the click of a button, he’ll appear in your living room.
The goods
Today’s release, Hand Lettering Tutorial: Techniques from Conception to Completion with Jason Carne, demonstrates how to create a hand-lettered piece from conception all the way through completion in Adobe Photoshop. Jason guides us through his very detailed process, while reviewing laws of lettering, favorite tips, tricks and tools that he attributes to his success as an artist.
If you’re ready to learn to get your own ideas on paper, as well as valuable lessons like the process of creating unique letters, coloring techniques and preparation for print –
We promise Jason’s process will awe and inspire.
Take a peek at some images from the tutorial