
How to Promote a Positive Work Environment and Increase Revenue
The concept of positive thinking has been a popular practice for decades. Commonly used to treat depression and reduce stress, this seemingly debatable mentality actually has some scientific value behind it. Although individuals have been applying it to their personal lives in ever-increasing numbers, business leaders have begun introducing the strategy to their workforce.
Engaging in Team Building and Development
Meant to encourage consistency and productivity across the board, team building is critical to those who want their company to reach its fullest potential. As this has become a popular method of introducing co-workers, strengthening collaboration and heightening profitability, there are a plethora of proven exercises that focus on building teams and instilling a positive mindset.
The desert island survival game is one of the most basic and straightforward brainteasers. Ask your staff members to create a list of 10 or 12 items that they’d want to have if they were stranded on a desert island with their fellow co-workers or teammates. Afterward, ask each employee why they chose their specific items. You can take this exercise one step further by having them rank each item in order of its importance, as well as those of their peers.
If you have access to an empty room or large outdoor clearing, the minefield exercise can be used to develop stronger relationships and enhance communications amongst teammates. The premise is simple: one blindfolded teammate has to traverse a minefield that is littered with (harmless) objects using only the words, suggestions and guidance of their team. Playable with teams of two or more, this is an incredibly fun exercise that is quite useful at building positivity and increasing revenue.
Those who are working with larger teams of 10 or 20 members can use a fun concentration game to renew their energy levels, boost their memory and show them the importance of paying attention to details.
After dividing the team into two equally sized groups, have both lines face each other. Employees in the first line then turn around, which gives those in the remaining line a chance to change several features of their own appearance. At the completion of 30 – 60 seconds, the two lines once again face each other. Those who just turned around now have to identify as many changes as they can before the timer runs out.
Feel free to get creative with your games. Remember, they don’t necessarily have to relate directly to the job. As long as these exercises promote team building and positive thinking, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying a positive work environment and increased company revenue.
Integrating Corporate Culture
Business leaders who want to maintain an even greater focus on positive thinking can integrate their company’s culture into the new way of thinking. This process begins during the initial recruitment and hiring process, where you’ll need to filter out any applicants that don’t match your standards, expectations or mindset. Remember: a great leader needs great people to lead in order to be successful.
According to experts on the subject, a company’s culture revolves around their organization’s beliefs and core mission, internal controls and power structures, rituals such as regularly scheduled meetings and special events, overall workflow and even the brand’s logo or likeness. Maintaining consistency across all these areas is the key to establishing a positive corporate culture has the potential to impact long-term revenue.
You’ll also want to ensure that your culture is fully scalable to match a growing staff, increased workflow and any forecasted profits. By ensuring the framework is already in place to accommodate the greater revenue that comes with a stronger corporate culture, you’ll be better equipped to handle the growth as soon as it occurs.
Developing a culture that revolves around positive thinking can also boost employee engagement. Some companies are able to utilize an open work environment to ensure their organizational leaders and figureheads are accessible by every employee. Not only does this ensure quick and thorough communication, but it can even lead to an increased sense of solidarity amongst staff members.
Tackling Issues Head-On
A number of issues need to be addressed when considering the impact of positive thinking on your workplace. While those who pressure their employees into the performing better will often see improved productivity, studies show that healthcare costs can be 50 percent higher for these companies when compared to those who assume a laidback, stress-free approach.
Undue stress, pressure and a negative company culture can even lead to increased disengagement amongst your employees. According to the Queens School of Business, disengaged staff members experience higher rates of absenteeism, workplace accidents and lower profitability. Considering the fact that 7 out of 10 people across the U.S. report physical or emotional stress, we could be talking about millions of employees throughout all industries.
Workplace stress can also lead to a lack of employee loyalty. As approximately 40 percent of all U.S. workers consider their job to be extremely stressful, it’s easy to see how an otherwise dedicated staff member could be lured away by the promise of higher wages, greater benefits or a friendlier work environment.
Reaping the Benefits for All
Those who embrace the power of positive thinking in and around the workplace are bound to see changes that benefit themselves as well as others. We can look at the recent actions of other companies to find evidence of the effects that positive thinking can have on corporate culture, teamwork and even customer service.
Increased sustainability in productivity and, as a result, organizational revenue, is one of the biggest and most obvious advantages of a motivated and positive-minded workforce. Employees who are happy with their roles are far more likely to meet production quotas and maintain standards in quality as opposed to those who are overworked, burned out or otherwise unmotivated.
Your company’s standards in customer service are also likely to improve in the wake of a successful positive thinking campaign. With renewed motivation, desire and enthusiasm, your public-facing staff members will find their daily interactions are easier than ever before. Moreover, their newfound methods of stress management and mitigation will help them overcome even the most difficult of customers.
Maintaining Your New Corporate Culture and Profitability Into the Future
Instilling a positive mindset amongst your workforce and increasing your company’s revenue is only half the battle. Once you have a strong corporate culture in place, the challenge only intensifies as you’re tasked with maintaining your momentum in the days, weeks, months and years ahead.
Lexie Lu is a freelance UX designer and blogger. She enjoys researching the latest design trends and always has a cup of coffee nearby. She manages Design Roast and can be followed on Twitter @lexieludesigner.