
Go Media Podcast – Episode 11: An Interview With Mark Brickey from Adventures in Design
In this episode, we sit down with WMC Fest Speaker Stage MC Mark Brickey from The Adventures in Design Podcast and Hero Design Studio. We talk to him about the challenges of podcasting, the Circle of Trust, and why being a Rockstar in the Design Community is a good thing. Go Media president, Bill, also talks with us about a Responsive Pricing Model, a topic from his upcoming book “Drawn to Business”.
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Show Notes
Quick Tip: Get Up Early
Jeff walks us through his latest experiment: waking up an hour earlier every day. This lead into how Jeff gets things done. You can find his progress at
Sponsor of this Episode
This episode is sponsored by WMC Fest 4. WMC Fest is the premier art, design, and music festival in the Midwest. Uniting creative dreamers and doers since 2010. WMC Fest takes place from August 16th through 18th at Cleveland Public Theatre. 20 speakers, 20 designers, and 30+ bands.
What’s Go Media Been Up To
- WMC Fest Update: Marketing is ready to be sent to print and all the sponsors are sending in swag for the gift bags.
- Also just added Ink Wars to the Sunday schedule. Ink Wars will be an 8-artist battle. They’ll have an hour to create something awesome with just a blank canvas and black markers. It’ll be hosted by Matt Helm and Mike Jones.
- Proof Lab is no longer a public product. We still use it internally, but we just can’t support the upkeep for it right now. So, if you’ve got a team of developers who want to partner with us in completing it, contact Bill directly. In June we annoyed a lot of our beta users and customers when a bug in the system caused many of them to be emailed billing notices, despite most not being paying customers.
- All of our interns are kicking ass. Nathanial joined us in the middle of June. He joins Alex, Kyle, and Carly to work on personal projects, as well as our internal projects including our storefront renovation.
- Design sales are skyrocketing this year. Thanks in-large to our new accounts team that we brought in last year.
- We are hiring developers and developer interns.
- The podcast is now recorded live and we tested out’s embeddable chatroom. You can check that out at
- We began testing out using mostly-functional prototypes instead of graphic-based wireframes to map out the construction of a site. We’ve got it working with two client projects now, and both are getting excellent reviews. To make these Prototypes, we’re using Foundation 4.
A Topic From Bill’s Book: Use A Responsive Pricing Model
We discuss the idea of not following a fixed model when pricing out projects. Instead, base it on your total workload. If you are packed, then charge full price. But, if you have time open and you need to bring in projects to fill that time, be more open to offering lower prices on your proposals to get clients in the door.
- Weapons of Mass Creation Fest 4
- Go Media Twitter
- “The Miracle Morning” by Hal Elrod
- “Drawn to Business” by William A. Beachy
- Building better habits with Lift
- OmniFocus for Mac
- FreedomApp for Mac
- Ink Wars
Hosts: Jeff Finley and Bill Beachy
Producer: Bryan Garvin
Recorded at: Go Media
Sponsorship Opportunities
Interested in sponsoring the Go Media podcast, either episodically or exclusively? Well, hit us up at [email protected] if you are interested in advertising your business.
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