
50 Inspirational Posters from the National Poster Retrospecticus
Inspirational Posters like Whoa
Today’s inspiration comes to us from someone you’re going to be seeing a lot of in the next few months.
Meet JP Boneyard: designer, front-end developer, producer of art and music events, and new member of the Weapons of Mass Creation Fest family. JP will be bringing his traveling poster show, the National Poster Retrospecticus, to those of us lucky enough to attend the Fest August 15 through 17 this year at the Cleveland Public Theatre.
Hint, hint get your tickets to the Fest here
Tell me about the NPR:
The National Poster Retrospecticus is a traveling show of more than 300 hand-printed event posters from over 100 of the most prominent poster designers in the USA. While some of the NPR goes back as far as 2006, the current format took shape in the Spring of 2012. The NPR’s mission is to celebrate posters, the made-by-hand aesthetic and help spread that enthusiasm around the world. Pretty cool Cleveland is one of their pit stops around the country, ey?
Now onto the Inspiration:
Here are some sample posters JP chose to share with us today. So good!

Further connect with JP and the NPR:
National Poster Retrospecticus | NPR on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Supermarket | JPB
And don’t forget to buy your tickets to see NPR at the Fest!