
The collections strike back!
They’re back!
Now, I wish I could write in yellow on top of a starry space scene, but…
I was very tempted to make more Star Wars jokes, but I have to admit that there are people way more qualified out there than me to do so. So, let’s get to the gist of it: we’re finally bringing the mockup templates collections back.
And this is cool because?
Simply put: buy in bulk, and save yourself some $$$. We have seven packs of templates (108 individual files) together in this collection. Individually bought, this would cost you $399. We’re selling the collection for $307. That’s a $92 discount.
Why were the collections taken down in the first place?
Right after I got hired (back in April), one of the first things I started doing is to get our products updated, cleaned, and perfected. This meant that some of the collections’ content was getting outdated. We also didn’t have the time to update the collections then. So rather than have people buy outdated stuff, we simply took them down.
Why did it take so long to bring them back?
Well, in short: WMC Fest happened.
What’s included?
The following seven mockup template packs are included in the collection:
- Distressed Tees
- V-Necks
- Zip-Up Hoodies
- Baggy/Urban Shirts
- Men’s T-Shirt Flat
- Ladies Long Sleeve
- Ladies Short Sleeve
You can see more detailed previews on the Arsenal’s Facebook page.
Where to buy?
On the Arsenal, obviously!
Note that the two other collections will make their way back on the Arsenal in the following weeks. And then, I also have some other cool things in the works, promise.