
WMC Fest – 2 Night Stand
WMC Fest 2 Night Stand
We are excited to announce that 2 Night Stand is not only expanding to multiple cities in 2013, lead by amazing creatives across the country, but also that we will be having the first, non-Chicago event in the days leading up to the WMC Fest 2013. We’ve had over 1000 people apply to our past Chicago events, for Trencherman’s Brewing Company, the Zombie Research Society & NASA. We know that amazing people will be heading to WMC Fest and this event will open a unique opportunity for amazing people (who probably already follow each other on Twitter) to design and create side-by-side.
Obviously, we’d love to have amazing creatives request an application.
The better the crew, the more amazing the weekend.
Apply for the WMC Fest 2 Night Stand now!
Click here to request an invite. And check out the website for more info about the event.
You can also check out the twitter feed to see what people are saying about the event.
Be sure to hit up Jason Schwartz one of the Cleveland organizers, if you have any questions or just want to chat.
What is 2 Night Stand?
20 thinkers & makers dive into a weekend long creative bender.
Brilliant concepts and ideas are explored.
No deliverables are promised.
Come to think, be challenged & collaborate. The entire creative process is cataloged and posted live. We consider it a creative growth experience.
How It Works
Applicants request an invite.
Once the invitation process is closed, the 2 Night Stand crew and city leader choose a group of around 30 people to participate in the event. Once selected, those participants are notified and a waiting list of 3-5 people are notified. Tickets to event are purchased online before day of event, so no money is handed day of event and meals can be purchased.
2 Night Stand events are typically held on a Friday night (5pm-10pm) and Saturday (10am-7pm). This can vary by event and coordinator. (For example, the WMC Fest event is tentatively Thursday 10am-7pm and Friday 10am-4pm).
On the day of event, a “mystery client” is presented. By mystery client, we mean one that has not paid 2 Night Stand, or any of it’s organizers for free work. The event is based around sky is the limit creative with no feedback from any external sources. The jam session is posted live on our site and final work is posted by each team to Behance.
Is There A Cost/Fee?
Yes, the event costs $75/person which is used to secure space and provide meals and snacks for participants. The purpose of having these events is not to make money, but to provide a platform that is self-sustaining and has the ability to provide participants with good food and drinks.
Can People Sponsor The Events?
Yes, in the past we’ve had some great sponsors and are always looking for help whether it be financial around an event, or a supply donation.
Past Sponsors:
Can People Request A 2 Night Stand Event In Their City?
Yes. We are currently accepting city organizer applicants here.