
The poster mockup templates get an upgrade (yep, them too)!
We’ve got the goods!
That’s right! We’re back once again with more awesomely updated mockup templates from the Arsenal! Say hello to the Poster Mockup Templates! Now with smart object functionality, these templates allow you to view that artwork you’ve worked so hard on realistically creating, in the perfectly right perspective, with just a few clicks! Yep, it’s that easy! Never heard of a smart object? It’s okay, we’ll get you up to speed!
And why are they so good you ask?
Well, for starters we’ve taken all the hard work of creating the perfect clipping mask and turned it into a simple double click process. You click twice on the smart object, add your artwork, hit save and just like that your art adopts the perfect perspective, highlights, shadows and everything else!
Wait, there’s more!
We didn’t just add a few smart objects and call it good; we did a complete and total file makeover.
- We’ve got cleaner and more precise clipping masks.
- We’ve reorganized the layers for a better ease of use and a more realistic end result.
- We’ve loaded a variety of prepared colors for the poster backgrounds.
- We made sure the backgrounds of the files were all of the same color and easily removable to allow for transparent PNG exports (when applicable.)
- We fine-tuned so many more little details here and there.
Now, after all that we can call it good! I would even go as far as to call it great!
So, what will I get?
The pack consists of 9 PSD files, four of which are smart object enabled and one display scene template!
All of this for just $34.99!
Because we’ve worked so hard on this and because we’re very excited to share these with the world, we’re announcing a discount coupon for the customers who will purchase this new version of the mockup templates. Use the code smartobjectposters at checkout for $9.99 off when buying the pack. The code is valid until sometime around the end of the day on June 21st, 2013.
Now that’s a good deal if I do say so myself! Better snatch it up before it’s gone!
But wait! If you think that’s a good deal you’re going to love this…
It’s bundle time!
With the re-release of our poster templates, our object mockup collection is fully updated. We’re partnering up with the good folks at MyDesignDeals to offer that object mockup collection for at an AWESOME VALUE, for a limited time only!
The deal will go live on June 18th, 2013, and will be live for a week. It’ll include the record mockup templates, the CD mockup templates, and the poster mockup templates, all in their updated versions.
Oh, and why did we choose to work with MyDesignDeals you ask? Well, John, the guy that runs MDD, blew us out of the water when he showed us that he created a video tutorial on how to use the CD mockup templates for his customers. That guy cares about doing things right. Check this out:
He absolutely convinced us. In order to know when exactly the deal will go live on the 18th, you should subscribe to the Arsenal’s newsletter, as we’ll send some reminders about when it’ll go live and when it will be taken down.
Once the deal is over, the collection will be available on the Arsenal.
And that’s it for today. Until next time, cheers!