
The Poster Contest of Which Dreams are Made: What and How You Can Win
Poster Contest from our friends at the National Poster Retrospecticus
Let’s talk for a minute about how much I love John Boilard, Producer of the National Poster Retrospecticus, a traveling show of over 300 hand-printed posters coming to Cleveland for this year’s Weapons of Mass Creation Festival.
No, I haven’t met him yet, but I’m already smitten.
Because all signs are pointing to this: John is as passionate about WMC Fest as the crew here at Go Media. And that’s pretty darn kick-ass if you ask me.
You see, in the weeks leading up to the Fest, John has been nothing but enthusiastic. He’s gone above and beyond to share everything he can about his poster show with us here on the ‘Zine. As the editor, that makes my heart go pitter pat.
Don’t miss these posts:
“50 Inspirational Posters from the National Poster Retrospecticus”
“WMC Fest Insider’s Guide: John Boilard & the 300 Hand-Printed Posters Coming to a City Near You“
Look! There’s More!
Guess what, my friends.
John is here with the treat of all treats, if you asked me.
The National Poster Retrospecticus Poster Contest
To celebrate the National Poster Retrospecticus coming into town August 15 – 17, John has kindly offered up three sets of posters to you, my dear readers.
How do you win? It’s easy. Simply comment down at the bottom of the post and let us know why you’re dying to attend this year’s Weapons of Mass Creation Festival.
Three winners will be chosen at random on Monday, August 11.
I recommend that you come back and see if you’ve won, just in case my Facebook message gets sent to your other folder, or such nonsense. Good luck everyone!
Here’s What You Can Win:
Prize 1: National Poster Retrospecticus Full Poster Set

Prize 2: Spring 2014 Set

Prize 3: Little Friends of Printmaking Poster

Further connect with JP and the NPR:
National Poster Retrospecticus | NPR on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram |Supermarket | JPB