
7 Latest Website Design Trends to Follow in 2019 to Keep Up with the Modern Market
The reliability of a website hugely depends on the design of the website. Audiences are more drawn to a clear and descriptive site which communicates the essence of its content easily to them. Establishing a brand reputation and driving more traffic to the site are the main two goals of every website and the modern UI designs targeted towards these enhancements go a long way to ensure long term results.
With the current interest in the web designing field, it is being subjected to a wide range of experiments and a number of trends follow. The web design trends for 2019 are projected as follows.
1 – Strong User Interface:
A seamless user experience is the core of the web designing. In converting the visitors to actual clients, a strong UI is crucial. The UI that makes the process of finding content easier on the website without any hassle and completes the whole operation without any fuss is a popular among netizens and a simple change in the user interface by making it clearer and faster can ensure these improvements. Among the new trends in web design, minimalism has been a great favourite of the viewers, photo-based content, pastel or lighter shades of colours are being popularly used for the designs.
2 – White Space in Abundance:
To clear out the clutter, white space is added generously to the sites. This modern website design trend appeals to the aesthetic sense of the viewer while it gives the website a cleaner look and makes it possible to bring the content to focus. A white space is not meant to be white; technically, white space refers to the blank areas of space on the site that work to further emphasise the content that is put up there. Though the sites are hosting ads to profit from them, a site that has all sorts of ads and pop ups surrounding its content is less likely to be given much attention while a clearly thought out and designed site has better chance in reaching the goals. Too many graphic elements packed into one also produce the same effect of clutter.
Additional Helpful Resources:
10 exciting web design trends you can’t hide from in 2019
What are the Top 10 Web Design Trends in 2018? Get The Best Trending Web Design Tips
Can you tackle the web design trends for 2019?
3 – Customisation:
Customization is among the fairly new website trends and has been gaining popularity since its introduction. A website with its customized contents – graphics and illustrations, impact the viewers in a positive manner and helps them stand out. The importance of visual content cannot be stressed enough and to stand out from the competition, the content needs to be exclusive. The uniqueness of the brands is communicated to the audience through its visuals and customized designs as well as illustrations and graphics add to that aspect and stand proof of the brand’s creativity and innovation.
4 – Subtle but Distinctive Use of Colours:
An assemblage of a few different bright colors can do more harm to your website than good. But a bland color can also affect it negatively. Striking a balance regarding the color scheme is extremely important and making sure that the application of it complements your content is paramount. A content-based site requires more solid color backgrounds to feature lengthy content while a photograph based site requires a general white background to complement the photographs, but for the site explaining certain services of the company or a process, the use of different colors in contrast with a basic white or any light colored background helps the audience take in the information smoothly and make the content look interesting.
5 – Mobile Integration:
Launching a mobile version of the website alongside the desktop version is among the new web designing trends. This trend is in keeping with modern times as the audience is more likely to be surfing on their mobile rather than a desktop. With the growth of this crowd, the latest trends in web design have mutated accordingly. If a site does not open properly on mobile, chances are that its viewership will be greatly harmed. More than half the audience online depends on their smart-phones for all works related to the internet and the site’s adjustability to both can only add to its advantages. A design that is responsive to the screen or launching a mobile app can be considered to deal with issues such as these.
6 – Integrated Relative Videos:
Video content is a tool abundantly used across the websites to increase their SEO ratings. The optimization is often based on how much time the views spend on your website and video contents are reputed for making people spend more time on the site. However, videos relative to the content or intent of the website are recommended as non-relative content can drive away audience just as fast. Websites had procured short welcome videos to add to their home page which summarised the basic ideas conveyed on the site; modern trends have the designers inclining towards animation and “how-to” videos which arrest the interest of the viewers while imparting useful information to them.
7 – Engaging Scrolling:
With the modern generation scrolling on social media, the trend of short and concise material is going out the door. While lengthy material is not preferred as to bullets and key points, the audience seems willing to scroll. Among the new web design trends, this experimental feature is to be carefully implemented. Making the pages longer inevitable calls for the content being sufficiently rich with information and graphics aimed towards making the audience understand its meaning correctly. This technique also leaves much space to be experimented with and the content can be properly spaced out to draw attention where required with the help of color and gradients.
A website is the backbone of the brand, both marketing and sales are directed from the websites. Thus, spending enough on the proper construction of it and giving it a look which keeps up with the trends but also does not abandon the trademark of the brand is to be carefully conducted. The content on the pages are to be extended that consideration and consistent high quality content is to be featured on the site to not compromise with the reliability of the brand value to achieve positive results.