
Where to Find and How to Choose Web Design Online Courses
Online education is the future of learning. It solves the problem of not having any usable skill and provides unmatched possibilities for everyone wanting to learn something new. Web design is among the most popular skills learned online, as thousands of people around the world earn a certificate in this area every week using a membership software.
In today’s article, we’re going to talk about everything related to online courses of web design, including types, sources, and selection. With an average salary of web designer of $49,000, the occupation becomes more and more popular.
Hope this guide will be helpful to you to make a great choice of a course and begin your journey in this exciting field.
How Getting Online Education Affects My Employment Chances?
The web has courses for everyone, whether you are a beginner or an experienced designer. They cover all areas of the field, including responsive design, UX, web design essentials, and lots more. However, there are still lots of traditional schools and universities that teach web design.
Naturally, those wondering whether to choose online education begin questioning the credibility of this option. If you’re wondering, too, here is the list of advantages of taking an online course:
- You don’t have to put your life on hold to attend school
- Online courses provide a comparable quality of education
- Many online courses provide certificates recognized by most employers
- Taking an online course is a much more affordable option
- You don’t have to quit your job to pursue a degree online
- You can learn anywhere with an Internet connection
“Because of these reasons, thousands of people choose to learn online,” says Bruce Wilkins, an online educator from A-writer. While getting traditional education remains a great option in terms of increasing your chances of employment, online education can have the same effect.
You just have to choose a known, proven course that provides relevant knowledge. Need some help with that? Read further.
How to Choose Online Web Design Courses
To make a final selection of a course, you should consider the following factors:
- Credibility of the source
- Cost
- Learning Method
Each of them is equally important; for example, your budget determines whether you seek paid or free courses while credibility of the source may affect the chance of employment. Also, your preferred learning style such as visual has a significant effect on knowledge retention, so choose a course with appropriate materials.
Here’s a list of well-known websites with online web design courses for every budget and skill. All of them have 4+ stars rating given by learners.
Course Title: Make a Website
Source: CodeAcademy
Cost: Free (pro versions available)
In-Demand Skills: yes
Certificate: yes
CodeAcademy is a well-known US-based online learning platform that provides web design knowledge for both beginners and experts. It has both free and paid courses (average price of a paid course is $199). The skills provided by CodeAcademy are relevant and updated, so you can be sure that you’ll do well on your first job.
Course Title: Responsive Web Design Fundamentals
Source: Class Central
Cost: Free
In-Demand Skills: yes
Certificate: yes
Class Central is another popular source of knowledge related to web design and development. This class in particular is taught by a web developer from Google, and it great for those starting their way in responsive web design. It is totally free and self-paced, and uses a lot of visuals to represent the information.
Course Title: Web Design for Everybody (Basics of Web Development and Coding) Specialization
Cost: Free
In-Demand Skills: yes
Certificate: yes
Created by the University of Michigan, this course offers a self-paced, customized approach to learning web design. It requires no previous experience in web design and 2-4 hours/week to complete. After completing the course, you’ll know the basics of web design; also, you’ll be able to create a responsive website that uses a wide range of tools to make it as user-friendly as possible.
Course Title: Diploma in Web Design
Cost: Free
In-Demand Skills: yes
Certificate: diploma
This course is designed for both beginner and intermediate web designers and provides a comprehensive approach to learning. The skills taught in Diploma in Web Design include HTML, Adobe Dreamweaver, CSS, and other basics. By the end of the course, you’ll be able to create a website, add content, use background styles, CSS, fonts, and use Adobe Dreamweaver to create a site with Flash, JavaScript, and HTML. If you score 80 percent or higher in each course assessments, you’ll able to purchase an official certificate.
Choosing a great web design course requires some consideration; for example, it’s better to choose a well-known platform that provides an approach that fits your learning style and good feedback from learners.
In this article, only free courses were provided so you can make a good start without burning a hole in your pocket while still being able to purchase an official certificate to provide to potential employers.
Hope you’ll make a great choice!