
21 Hand Lettering Artists to Follow on Instagram
Hand Lettering Artists to Follow on Instagram
Wandering around Instagram, we found some really beautiful examples of hand lettering that we thought we’d share. We thought they might inspire and ignite your next project. Enjoy the hand lettering artists to follow on Instagram and please click on each image to learn more about the artist who created the individual piece.
For more hand lettering inspiration, check out our post “Letters We’re Loving: 30+ Hand Lettering and Typography Inspirations” and
one of our most popular articles, “100 Top Resources for Typography and Hand-Lettering”
Elizabeth Gray (thegraytergood)
Lisa Quine (lisa_quine)
Pierre Boisson (pedrodelabedida)
Katie Made That (katiemadethat)
Loren Klein (lorenkleindesign)
Talita Marques (marquestalita)
Maxime Bolis (maximebolis)
Saori (_lil.something_)
Jessica Renna (jessicarenna)
Michael Moodie (michael_moodie)
Loz Ives (idleletters)
Shauna Parmesan (weneedtotalkproject)
Tiffany Dewitt (livelongandletter)
Annick Martin (annick.martin)
Indysign (theindysign)
Jessica Nam (jessicanam)
Tearapart Intajak (tump_tearapart)