
Top 2018 Logo Design Trends
One of the primary elements which a company or an entrepreneur creates when they begin a business is the brand logo. This logo represents the value and vision of the company. A lot of thought process goes into this conception as this is the basic to all other activities. In the past, the brand name in a colorful font was considered to the emblem or the logo representing the company. With the time, it changed so did the consumer perception and expectation. More and more changes and experimentation were introduced in this avenue. The impact on consumer behavior was researched, and the quality of the logo design has been improved over the years.
The exposure to knowledge and competition has driven the brand to make constant adaptations to sustain themselves in the market. New trends are launched and initiated every year to keep up with the growing expectations. The novice logo, and even significant brands that rejuvenate their logo, follow these trends. Extensive research and customer feedback have created all these. They improve the chances of success and offer the brands a better chance at survival.
Here are some of the top logo design trends of 2018:
The consumers of today have overgrown the byzantine and sophisticated look. They neither have the time nor the patience to decipher the intricacies involved in these patterns. They want the design to be simple that directly conveys the message. Simplicity is the key that ranks number one in the top list of logo design trends of this year. The entire logo is expected to become slimmer this year, and the meaning would be easier to perceive. This logic would apply to the mnemonic also which would be much simpler and more innovative.
The other critical factors in this trend would be better placement, enhanced visibility, and more unambiguous message.
Whatever goes around, always come around. This statement is pretty much true for design, fashion, and life. Connecting in a more meaningful way with the past would offer a better idea of relating to the future. The consumer has felt the need to commemorate with their history more than ever, and brands have fulfilled this desire through their products and services. The logo design is no different to this trend, and ethnicity will be one of the leading trends of this year. The heritage and culture have meant more to the consumers than ever, and companies are including them to be a part of the logo design.
The logos will have to communicate with the consumer and assist in building a more meaningful relationship. The technological advancements and the digital attraction have motivated the companies to take this communication to the next level. Talking logos or animated logo design would be a hot logo design trend this year. These logos are expected to garner consumer attention and communicate the intended message more seriously. It is always advisable to start with simple animations and understand the consumer response before moving on to the more complex ones. The challenge, however, lies in identifying the emphasis area for increasing the chance of success.
Font Experimentation
Have you ever noticed the fonts used in the logo? Though companies have used various fonts based on their industry, they mostly belong to the sans serif family. This is mainly because this family of fonts has a more sleek and crisp finish. However, this trend is expected to change this year. This family could be replaced by the other font types inclusive of serif, script, etc. Brands could experiment with different categories and unique font types, and attempt to understand the consumer response to them. The serif type will have an official and robust message while the script type could have a more personalized approach. Companies are deploying various methods to connect with their potential target group, and the font change would be one of the ideal ways to implement it.
Geometrical Symmetry
There has always been a debate between order and chaos. Some people demand order and structure in their daily lives, while others enjoy the beauty of chaos. The same logic applies to design and designers have experimented with most segments. Both divisions have their pros, cons and have garnered a differentiated response from the customer’s point of view. However, this year’s logo trend is predicted to be more order than chaos. Consumers are on the lookout for more certainty to balance the unpredictability of life. This can be achieved by the inclusion of geometric symmetry in the designs which will provide the much-needed order.
Mystery Space
How much space is too much or too little space? The process of allowing space in the logo design is an art. It is important to acknowledge the right amount to provide ample breathing gap and at the same time avoid confining effect. Designers have found innovative ways to offer this space by carefully crafting the fonts to depict an icon or a mnemonic. This would provide more mystery space and add value to the logo design. This holistic strategy will pave the way for a new logo trend this year.
The bottom line
There is no hard and fast rule for the creation of the logo design. These inputs reflect the interest of the consumers and expectations of the industry. Some graphic designers surpass these trends and formulate a new design. Even the artificial intelligence applications have been created to cope-up and produce results based on these trends. Some of these designs have been successful in the past. But there is no guarantee of it even in the ones created with all the information. The challenge lies in creating a design which meets the expectation of the client and also should amaze the consumer. Determining the balance between both is the key to successful logo design. These designs are very much capable of finding their position in the latest trends list. Some of the iconic logo designs have stood through time, and have established a place for themselves in the history of designs.