Cortina Leathers

Design for one of America's highest quality leather producers.
Web Design & Development for Cortina Leathers.
A brand reimagined.
The goal was to unify the brands of the two merging firms and maintain certain qualities from each. The artistry from the Italian tanneries paired with the design expertise of their NYC design center truly make Cortina a leather expert from start to finish. The new website needed to communicate in the language of their audience and provide them the best user experience.

When you think of leather you probably think of sofas and chairs in the home. When you really imagine everywhere leather could possibly be- We're talking anywhere in the world- You might take a seat. Cortina Leathers are everywhere. Markets range from offices, restaurants, hotels, and even planes, trains and automobiles.
Cortina needed to be able to speak to all of their different markets appropriately and with rich imagery.
Go Media developed a set of stylish templates which could easily be applied and edited using our page builder in the WordPress CMS. We delivered a framework that could grow to meet the sales and marketing communication goals of the brand.

Catalog Search
As a major leather producer, Cortina has over 1000 skus to choose from. Textures, quality and color all play a part in the leather procurement process.
An advanced search tool to support the needs of buyers as well as the sales teams. In addition to this, all of the possible leather colors needed to be available as reusable modules for marketing to leverage throughout the website.
To make this possible we needed to develop a custom module for showcasing any number of leather SKUs at a time. The colors needed to be searchable internally for content population as well as publicly on the main leather search page. An uncommon aspect of the Cortina catalog is that “Lines” represent leathers with specific traits while each contained upward of 50 colors to choose from. Search queries needed to find any color while including the attributes of the parent line without burdening Cortina with any redundant work. Go Media solved this problem by developing a “deep search” which would include the parent line’s attributes as well as each applicable color.
Browsing Colors
The Cortina catalog encompassed over 1000 colors to choose from. As previously mentioned, Go Media needed to make it easy for visitors to find what they were looking for. Of course, we couldn’t stop there. Once a leather or specific color is identified, we provided a means for the user to see additional colors in the palette and pursue details of the line.

Sample Cart
Although the site uses WooCommerce to deliver something like an eCommerce experience, the actual ability to make purchases has been removed. Samples are free.
Cortina was in need of a shopping experience that was tailored toward their unique sample cart.
Go Media carefully removed various features that might otherwise clutter and confuse shoppers seeking samples. We additionally cleaned up the cart and checkout experience and provided context by changing labels and headings. The end result is a comprehensive Sample Request and has yielded a positive touchpoint for buyers as well as considerable leads and consumer data for sales and marketing respectively.