Live on a Limb Rebranding & T-Shirt Design

Go Media was monumentally excited when Live on a Limb commissioned us for a rebranding of their company. Fitness and living an active lifestyle are a part of the Go Media DNA. Plus, we are no stranger to lifestyle brands like Live on a Limb so we knew we were going to do something exciting with their logo, apparel and merchandise designs.
The Live on a Limb spirit is encouraging and supportive. They want everyone to live an adventurous life, and they hope to encourage people to take active & positive steps towards reaching their goals. Visualizing this spirit is something we explored in the branding process. Above you see logo concepts, and below you see some key art we made to help visualize the kinetic energy we were going for, and how the identity can incorporate into the art itself.
Once the logo design was finished we moved onto the apparel and merchandise designs.