
How to Save During Your College Years
College can be one heck of a roller coaster for everyone involved: from the parents who have had to invest in their child’s well-being up to that point, to the young adults who will finally get a small taste of the real world. We all go to college with different levels of preparedness and with very different expectations of what we will encounter. But that’s okay, though; we all go through some struggles on our way to adjusting for this period of our lives.
For starters, our academic performance can be a constant source of stress for us. Homesickness and nostalgia affect us, especially if we are traveling through state-borders to our schools. Fitting in and making friends can be tough, as well; we are surrounded by so many people and finding a few buddies to click with can be unreasonably challenging, and loneliness can sometimes be expected even when we find ourselves in a crowded common room. Then, there’s our finances. Most of us don’t get the privilege of going to college on a free-ride scholarship or with a specialized fund for all our wants and needs. And this, combined with it all, can make college an overwhelming experience.
The good thing about this is that it serves as a small stepping stone towards venturing into the real world. Once out of college, we will find ourselves with similar issues: performance problems at work, loneliness in our personal lives and financial falls and rises. The real world is harsh, but there are things that we can do to make it easier when we are out there in battle. Luckily for the college student of today, there are ways for them to make it through.
Where Do I Start?
First, you need to start by figuring out exactly where and what you need help with. And believe me, there’s nothing wrong with needing help. We all have different areas in our life that we struggle with and some things that just come naturally to us. All you need is to learn your weak spot, and work to build muscle there. This might be a long process though, and some habits would have to change, but it’s all worth it in the end.
For Your Academic Performance
There is countless advice out there on how to make studying more efficient or how to enhance your learning experiences. These advices tend to be handed out in a very general and unrealistic form. Not every student learns the same way – we all have different learning styles. However, there are some tips we can all keep at hand when it comes to improving our academic performance:
- Always be punctual. It doesn’t matter if you’re attending a lecture or a study group, you will always benefit from being on time. This way, you won’t have to worry about missing any bit of information that might serve you in the future.
- Keep a planner! Write down the important dates in your student calendar, from midterms to essay due-dates to the times of the week you can dedicate your full time to study. This will help you keep everything organized and free of last-minute surprises.
- Use your free time wisely! If you have any extra breathing room, you can always employ it in activities that will help you maximize your skills. This doesn’t have to be strict study-time; you can organize group meetings for collective work or take on some time to read through some extra-curricular texts.
- Ask for help. Don’t feel discouraged to reach out for academic help. We tend to trail on our studies at times, and midnight will suddenly strike – post your question and receive on-demand help from tutors at Studypool. It’s helped me countless times, when I have had no time.
For Your Financial Performance
College students are one of those demographics of people who have a lot to give to the world’s market but too Little time to do so. It’s a hectic schedule once your graduation date draws closer and closer. But a lack of time is not an excuse to do nothing about improving your finances, especially when there are many options available that do not require that much time invested. Here’s a few I’d like to share:
- Sell your textbooks. We all know how expensive some of our college textbooks can be and, worst of all, we also know that some of them will only be of use for one semester (or a couple of weeks in a semester). If you find yourself with a Sociology 101 textbook that you no longer need, you can always sell it off to someone who will. Sure, you will not regain the entire amount that you paid for it, but it’s a better purpose for the book than serving as one more decoration on your library.
- Take on tutoring on the web. There’s in depth knowledge within college students that can undoubtedly be exchange for some cash, by tutoring other students. On the other side of the coin, you can create a profile on Studypool and become a tutor. The platform allows maximum flexibility since you get to choose what questions to work on with a set delivery time, and you pick the subject. It’s pretty straightforward – make money by tutoring other students that need help.
- Donate your body to science. Well, you don’t have to turn in your entire body but you certainly can exchange certain, ahem, bodily fluids in exchange for money. From blood to semen to your ovules, there are parts of your body that can become a last-resort attempt at getting quick cash. You can also have the satisfaction of knowing you are helping someone else in the process.
Throughout your life as a college student there will be an infinite amount of obstacles that you’ll find on your way to success, but you need to stay firm and steady in your desire to get there. Don’t waver on your principles or your goals. But do modify your daily habits (if you need to) in order to achieve them. It will all work out for the best in the end, when you see yourself getting closer and closer to your goals.