Gardening Know How

Gardening Know How is a website dedicated to - you guessed it - providing new and seasoned gardeners alike, the know-how to solve all of their gardening quandaries. When approached about kicking off a branding project, the design team found inspiration from the classic gardening journals and the seed labels which feature iconic plant illustration styles. From there we were able to work hand-in-hand with the client to update some key pages on the website to help boost the performance, along with streamlining the reader's experience.
Above you see the final logo and variations for the Gardening Know How identity. Inspiration was found in gardening journals and the seed labels which feature technical plant illustrations. Below you can see how this was practically applied, as we give you an excerpt of actual proof content from the design process.
Below we see some of the work in the design process which ultimately lead to the final work above. These steps help us flesh out concepts, explore visual themes, and vet the solutions we present to the client.