Bold is Beautiful

This is a rather “old” design, but it’s not one we should forget. This typography design has been the subject of lots of criticism and praise. When I originally designed it, it was for Jedidiah clothing back in 2007 but was not accepted. The design just sat in our portfolio for quite some time and people either loved it or hated it. They hated it because they said it was unprintable, too many colors, and too big on the shirt. They told us we weren’t being considerate of our client and wasted their time and money designing something that wasn’t even printable.
Our original client did not approve the design (not because of the color or size, but because it “looked like Star Wars”). However, plenty of fans said they couldn’t believe it was not accepted and they would buy it in a heartbeat. Everyone seemed to want the shirt to be printed, but we did not have the means to actually do it. We had some friends have a shot at it printing it, but it was not practical and didn’t work out.
Years ago at Go Media, we wanted to launch a clothing line called “Go Mania” and this was going to be one of the first shirts. But since nobody we knew could print it without sacrificing the size, colors, or design integrity, the line never left the ground.
In 2008, we submitted the design to Design by Humans after a little pressure from folks over at Emptees. Basically, if it got enough votes and was well-received by the community as well as the owners of DBH, it would get printed and we’d get some cash. The only catch was they’d get rights to the design for a year or something like that. After we submitted the design up for voting, we did a little promo for it and told our blog readers and Myspace friends to vote for it. Our friends at Emptees really helped us out and the votes on that shirt skyrocketed to record highs much to everyone’s amazement, including our own.
A month or so went by and the design had the most votes for a shirt ever, but still it was not confirmed as “shirt of the day” and I was doubting if it would ever be printed. Eventually we got an email from DBH saying that they had selected Bold is Beautiful as shirt of the day! It was then posted on the site for sale. They finally printed it! And what a good job they did! Take a look at my excited blog post about it here. It did pretty well and made shirt of the week. It eventually sold out and was restocked a few times to my knowledge. Crazy, huh?